Triatek Lighting Controls Replacement
A ten floor office tower's lighting control system and lighting relays were replaced using the S2BACLightDP and new 2-wire lighting relays, while maintaining all of the existing lighting and electrical infrastructure. The S2BACLIghtDP lighting controllers were integrated into the building's BMS using the S2BACLightDP's on-board Bacnet MSTP interface. Both the building owner and their controls contractor wanted Bacnet Integration so that were not dependant on using proprietary software to control and maintain their lighting system along with being able to use any of their preferred contractors for support. Eight floors were upgraded and integrated into the BMS over a 2 day weekend with the overall upgrade/replacement cost being well under 1/3 the cost of all other systems.
- Original lighting control system was installed in the mid 80's and used early generation Douglas style 2-wire relays that had the same form factor as GE style relays (e.g RR7/9). Since the floor electrical cabinets had limited space for lighting controls, the design used separate electrical enclosures with one being for the lighting controller and two others used for the (remote) lighting relays.
- One lighting relay enclosure was used per for the lighting controllers and the lighting relays. One lighting controller controlled two floors (current and adjacent) with each floor having their own (remote) lighting relay cabinet.
- Should the existing old Douglas relays become problematic, S2 can provide a very cost effective solution to upgrade the existing lighting panels to use the latest 2-wire lighting control relays.
- Should the existing Douglas Switches become problematic, S2 has several direct replacement Douglas switch compatible options to suit the customer's budget and aesthetics.
- Should the customer wish to include 0-10V or Dali dimming and control capability, S2 has expansion products to suit this functionality.
- S2 worked with the base building electrical, controls, and networking contractors to ensure that all of the customer's connectivity requirements (topology and Cybersecurity) were followed. Customer requires all new building controllers to be Bacnet IP based which the S2BACLightDP has direct onboard support for.
- After working with S2 regarding the BMS integration, the base building controls contractor created a BMS framework and "template" to allow rapid integration of the S2BACLightDP controllers into the BMS. The result was that each of the Douglas lighting panels could be upgraded and BMS integrated at a rate of one per every 1.5 hours.
- Once all of the Ethernet networking was installed, S2 and the electrical and controls contractors were able to upgrade and BMS integrate seventeen (17) Douglas Lighting panels in just over 2 business days which is unprecedented with any other lighting control upgrade solution.
- In contrast to the original installation, S2 has provided the customer and their base building contractors complete and thorough S2BACLight documentation, configuration software, and reports detailing all of the lighting panel relay load descriptions and electrical circuit numbers.
- Project cost was substantially less (1/3) than the previous upgrade solution, but with more features, functionality, and direct BMS integration and in so doing allowing the customer to self maintain or use their preferred base building contractor for ongoing changes.
- Customer has recently committed to upgrading all remaining Douglas Lighting panels with the project starting (and completing) this Spring (2025)